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Crystal Fragments created by Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle

The Chasm: Elevation exhibit launches tomorrow, November 30, as part of Miami’s Art Basel, and promises to lift spirits, bringing a positive, energy-raising, intimate experience at Center for The Higher Self.  Among the work featured will be Laura Kimmel’s “Goddess Portal” series of 24” x 36” giclee print on bamboo paper photographs and the "Crystal Fragment" series of hanging holographic light sculptures and hand cut “Fairy Organs” sculptures by the nonbinary queer femme artist and musician Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle.


Chasm: Elevation will run through December 5 in the newly renovated indoor-outdoor space recently opened by Lauren Martinez.  It will culminate with a series of performances on December 4, presented by the hemp soft drink Mad Tasty, the safe-water organization Drop4Drop, and the distilled non-alcoholic beverage company Spiritless.  Madi Dangerously nd music medicine woman Lavva will perform healing sounds and Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle will perform tracks from their Lost Amulet EP including “Dark Iridescent” and new single, “Dissociative State.”

“I’ve known Lauren Martinez since her time in New York City and have followed along on her healing journey towards consciousness, health and spirituality,” says Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle from their Brooklyn studio. “When she posted about her new space, the Center for the Higher Self, I reached out to see how we might collaborate on an event. I create my artwork with the intention of creating a dream-like, healing and transcendental space for my audiences, and so the fusion of our creative efforts only seemed natural.”

Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle’s lights sculptures have exhibited at the Contemporary Art Museum of Houston and the Tides Institute & Museum of Art in Maine.  The “Crystal Fragments” exhibit was previously showcased in Brooklyn.  It is an immersive piece as it crawls throughout the ceiling and walls with projectors pointed at it reflecting patterns throughout the space, creating a womb-like setting for the audience's healing and self-observation.

“My process involves documenting light patterns and nature through photography and video, and translating these into the basis for both hand-cut and welded sculptures brought to life through LEDs and projections,” Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle explains.   They see their sculptural objects as artifacts from a synthetic whole, an expansive performance ranging from research of natural moss patterns to poetry, light art and theatre.

“My Fairy Organs draw on the myths of the fairies and today's malleability of human appearance in both physical form and online,” the artist continues.  “In my role as The Oracle, I see myself as giving birth to the living sculptures, channeling an archetypical woman sorceress.”

The Chasm: Elevation exhibit runs Nov 30 – Dec 5 at Center for The Higher Self (3204 NW 2nd Ave).  Julia Sinelnikova AKA The Oracle performs tracks from their Lost Amulet EP on Saturday, Dec 4.  Visit

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